Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Open The Sun

Currently there are two competing flavors OpenSolaris distros: Sun Microsystems' Solaris Express Community Release, and German developer Joerg Schilling's SchilliX.

Like mainstream Linux vendors like Red Hat, Suse and Mandriva, Sun's version of OpenSolaris has extra proprietary code to build a complete operating system. SchilliX is completely based on open source software, ala Debian GNU/Linux.

If you would ask me what should I take, I am not sure for the time being. OpenSolaris is still in its infancy. Sun's Distro is definitely full-packed. It even contains JDS for Solaris. SchilliX is more of Slackware today than Debian.

Ask me again which shall I take... If I would choose what "Unix" box will I install at my home machine, it will be... FreeBSD!!!! hahahaha!

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