Monday, July 18, 2005

The Reality of an IT Job

Just like carreers in the health-care, military and customer service industries, all IT jobs has its perks as well as its downside.

I have accepted the fact that, probably, all hard-core IT jobs are just like mine. I know, all serious IT work environments are the same. At least in an Asian perspective, all state-of-the-art IT jobs are inherently hectic. If your's is not, then your job is probably as good as doing a project in the University or as good as being a personal secretary.

I'll blog about the perils of an IT job later. One thing for sure, if you are in IT environment and you don't love your work, you will have your energy and spirit sapped in no time. When I say loving your work, I mean you were born with an analytic mind and an eternal thirst for improvement.

Why do I keep on mentioning probably? Because, I do not really know, experience-wise, whether this really do happen in other organizations, moreso, in an American or European working environments. It will take me some more time (again, probably, years) for me to know whether this trend really exist.

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